Giovanni Caratozzolo
Graduated in Structural Engineering at University of Brescia with honours in 2007 with a thesis on the 4Dmodelling of a big renovation work in Milan (Hotel Armani) in cooperation with Bovis Lend Lease.
Thanks to this project he gained expertise on the analyses of the interaction between design and construction site lay-out. From 2010 he has started to approach at BIM together with Professor A. Ciribini from University of Brescia; in particular his project analyses the critical interaction between Structural Model (fem) and BIM Model, also he analyses in BIM approach the problem of procurement manage in construction site. Since 2013 he has been a consultant of a medium size construction company helping the procedure to pass from a traditional construction approach to a BIM-based one.
19/10/2018 – dalle 10:00 alle 12:00
“Il Cantiere 4.0 e l’Off Site”
Il Lab, coordinato da Angelo Ciribini, mira a illustrare come sia possibile introdurre sistemicamente soluzioni digitali (computazionali) nel cantiere edile, al fine di renderlo cognitivo, vale a dire, di utilizzare tutti i dati in esso e per essi generati, cosicché il suo governo risulti meno aleatorio, gestibile in tempo reale e, in parte, in remoto.
Il cantiere 4.0, di fatto, presuppone che una intelligence specifica possa supportare semi-automaticamente i processi decisionali.