The aims of the competition BIM&DIGITAL Awards 19, 3rd edition, are:
- To make known, on the one hand, projects and works that exploit digital innovations and in particular BIM in order to improve performance and make the design, implementation and maintenance process more effective;
- On the other, to reward companies, start-ups, companies that have promoted new digital tools that make the process of surveying, restitution and vision, design, implementation and maintenance more effective, especially for recovery and restoration operations, and operate in the BIM environment;
- From this year, in addition, to reward the sectoral research Master’s Degree, Postgraduate School, Master’s and Doctorate developed and applied on methodologies, tools, protocols, systems, etc. related to BIM.
The BIM & DIGITAL Awards 19 competition is part of the DIGITAL & BIM Italia 2019 scheduled in Bologna from 21 to 22 November 2019.
For the procedures of the competition and for the relations between the awarding authority and competitors, in order to guarantee anonymity and uniform conditions of participation, the participants must use only digital channels, through the following website, specially prepared:
Eligible Categories
Category 1. Commercial Buildings, tertiary and large buildings
Category 2. Public Buildings
Category 3. Infrastructure
Category 4. Small projects
Category 5. Heritage improvement and restoration
Category 6. BIM initiative of the year.
This category is open to any organization that has developed new ways of operating in a BIM environment.
Category 7. Digital technologies for the construction process.
This category is open to any organization that has developed new digital tools for improving the effectiveness of the processes.
Category 8. Research
This category is open to “Theses” developed and applied on methodologies, tools, protocols, systems, etc. related to BIM
Main Application Deadline
Open | Opening of the period for the request for clarifications
Closing of registrations and contextual sending of the documents and administrative documentation, within 12:00 a.m.
Works of the jury
Publication of the finalists
Awarding the selected finalist during Digital&BIM Conference Lab
Presentation of the finalist projects during Digital&BIM Italia
Members of the jury are:
– Angelo Ciribini (Jury President) Università di Brescia
– Edoardo Cosenza Naples University
– Anna Maria Giovenale Rome University
– Marcello Balzani Ferrara University – CLUST-ER BUILD
– Domenico Asprone Naples Federico II University
– Gabriele Bitelli Bologna University
– Francesco Ruperto Rome University
– Chiara VernizziParma University
– Carlo Zanchetta Padova University
– Massimo Deldossi ESEB/ANCE Brescia
– Marco Aimetti CNAPPC
– Giovanni Cardinale CNI
– Maurizio Savoncelli CNGeGL
– Matteo Del Giudice Torino Politecnico
– Silvia Mastrolembo Ventura – Brescia University
– Simone Garagnani Bim Foundation Bologna
– Antonella Grossi Digital&BIM Italia
The jury will choose a shortlist of project finalists, which will be announced on 31st October. Out of this shortlist of finalists, the Jury will nominate up to 3 winners per category. The names of the winners will be published during the event DDIGITAL&BIM Italia 2019.
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